CARES Lab Publications
Casey K. Brown*, Marcela C. Otero*, Elizabeth A. Ascher, Jennifer Merrilees, Robert W. Levenson (2025). Caregiver assessment of socioemotional functioning in people living with neurodegenerative disease (Part 2): Concurrent validity and test-retest reliability of a new measure. The Gerontologist. PDF Cite
Casey K. Brown, Lize De Coster, Junghee Lee, Lisa Lin, Daniel H. Mathalon, Joshua D. Woolley (2024). Maternal care is associated with neural and behavioral effects of oxytocin administration during empathic accuracy in schizophrenia and controls. Psychoneuroendocrinology. PDF Cite
Neke A. Nsor, Kyle J. Bourassa , Lisa L. Barnes, Casey L. Brown (2024). The effects of APOE alleles, cognitive activities, and social activities on cognitive decline in african americans.The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. PDF Cite
Dana A. Glei, Chioun Lee, Casey L. Brown, Maxine Weinstein (2024). Are employment and social integration more strongly associated with deaths of despair than psychological or economic distress? Social Science & Medicine. PDF Cite
Breanna M. Bullard, Casey L. Brown, Julian A. Scheffer, Anna B. Toledo, Robert W. Levenson (2024). Emotion regulation strategies and mental health in dementia caregivers: The moderating role of gender. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. PDF Cite
Kuan-Hua Chen, Jennifer Merrilees, Casey L. Brown, Claire Yee, Anna Sapozhnikova, Jenna L. Wells, Emilio Ferrer, Peter S. Pressman, Barbara L. Fredrickson, Robert W. Levenson (2024). Interpersonal linkage in positive and negative emotional behaviors, emotional well-being, and physical functioning in dementia caregivers. Clinical Psychological Science. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Kevin J. Grimm, Jenna L. Wells, Alice Y. Hua, Robert W. Levenson (2023). Empathic accuracy and shared depressive symptoms in close relationships. Clinical Psychological Science. PDF Cite
Robert W. Levenson, Kuan Hua Chen, Darius T. Levan, Enna Y. Chen, Scott L. Newton, Deepak Paul, Claire I. Yee, Casey L. Brown, Jennifer Merrilees, David Moss, Gene Wang (2023). Evaluating in-home assistive technology for dementia caregivers. Clinical Gerontologist. PDF Cite
Suzanne M. Shdo, Casey L. Brown, Joyce Yuan, Robert W. Levenson (2022). Diminished visual attention to emotional faces is associated with poor emotional valence perception in frontotemporal dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. PDF Cite
Jenna L. Wells, Claudia M. Haase, Emily S. Rothwell, Kendyl G. Naugle, Marcela C. Otero, Casey L. Brown, Jocelyn Lai, Kuan Hua Chen, Dyan E. Connelly, Kevin J. Grimm, Robert W. Levenson, Barbara L. Fredrickson (2022). Positivity resonance in long-term married couples: Multimodal characteristics and consequences for health and longevity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Barbara L. Fredrickson (2021). Characteristics and consequences of co-experienced positive affect: understanding the origins of social skills, social bonds, and caring, healthy communities. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. PDF Cite
Alice Y. Hua, Jenna L. Wells, Casey L. Brown, Robert W. Levenson (2021). Emotional and cognitive empathy in caregivers of people with neurodegenerative disease: Relationships with caregiver mental health. Clinical Psychological Science. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Tessa V. West, Amy H. Sanchez, Wendy Berry Mendes (2020). Emotional empathy in the social regulation of distress: A dyadic approach. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. PDF Cite
Dyan E. Connelly, Alice Verstaen, Casey L. Brown, Sandy J. Lwi, Robert W. Levenson (2020). Pronoun use during patient-caregiver interactions: Associations with caregiver well-being. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Alice Y. Hua, Lize De Coster, Virginia E. Sturm, Joel H. Kramer, Howard J. Rosen, Bruce L. Miller, Robert W. Levenson (2020). Comparing two facets of emotion perception across multiple neurodegenerative diseases. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Jenna L. Wells, Alice Y. Hua, Kuan Hua Chen, Jennifer Merrilees, Bruce L. Miller, Robert W. Levenson (2020). Emotion recognition and reactivity in persons with neurodegenerative disease are differentially associated with caregiver health. The Gerontologist. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Kuan Hua Chen, Jenna L. Wells, Marcela C. Otero, Dyan E. Connelly, Robert W. Levenson, Barbara L. Fredrickson (2020). Shared emotions in shared lives: Moments of co-experienced affect, more than individually-experienced affect, linked to relationship quality. Emotion. PDF Cite
Kuan Hua Chen, Casey L. Brown, Jenna L. Wells, Emily S. Rothwell, Marcela C. Otero, Robert W. Levenson, Barbara L. Fredrickson (2020). Physiological linkage during shared positive and shared negative emotion. Journal of personality and social psychology. PDF Cite
Alice Y. Hua, Kuan Hua Chen, Casey L. Brown, Sandy J. Lwi, James J. Casey, Howard J. Rosen, Bruce L. Miller, Robert W. Levenson (2019). Physiological, behavioral and subjective sadness reactivity in frontotemporal dementia subtypes. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PDF Cite
Jenna L. Wells, Casey L. Brown, Alice Y. Hua, Peter D. Soyster, Kuan Hua Chen, Deepika R. Dokuru, Giovanni Coppola, Claudia M. Haase, Robert W. Levenson (2019). Neurodegenerative disease caregivers' 5-HTTLPR genotype moderates the effect of patients' empathic accuracy deficits on caregivers' well-being. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF Cite
Marcela C. Otero, Jenna L. Wells, Kuan Hua Chen, Casey L. Brown, Dyan E. Connelly, Robert W. Levenson, Barbara L. Fredrickson (2019). Behavioral indices of positivity resonance associated with long-term marital satisfaction. Emotion. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Hannah G. Bosley, Alan D. Kenyon, Kuan Hua Chen, Robert W. Levenson (2019). An idiographic statistical approach to clinical hypothesis testing for routine psychotherapy: A case study. Behaviour Research and Therapy. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Natalia Van Doren, Brett Q. Ford, Iris B. Mauss, Jocelyn W. Sze, Robert W. Levenson (2019). Coherence between subjective experience and physiology in emotion: Individual differences and implications for well-being. Emotion. PDF Cite
Jacqueline B. Persons, Casey L. Brown, Allison Diamond (2019). Case formulation-driven cognitive behavioral therapy. Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Sandy J. Lwi, Madeleine S. Goodkind, Katherine P. Rankin, Jennifer Merrilees, Bruce L. Miller, Robert W. Levenson (2018). Empathic accuracy deficits in patients with neurodegenerative disease: Association with caregiver depression. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. PDF Cite
James A. Coan, Lane Beckes, Marlen Z. Gonzalez, Erin L. Maresh, Casey L. Brown, Karen Hasselmo (2017). Relationship status and perceived support in the social regulation of neural responses to threat. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Lane Beckes, Joseph P. Allen, James A. Coan (2017). Subjective general health and the social regulation of hypothalamic activity. Psychosomatic Medicine. PDF Cite
Robert W. Levenson, Sandy J. Lwi, Casey L. Brown, Brett Q. Ford, Marcela C. Otero, Alice Verstaen (2017). Emotion. Handbook of Psychophysiology. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, James A. Coan (2016). The social regulation of neural threat responding. The social neuroscience of human-animal interaction. PDF Cite
Timothy D. Wilson, Daniel T. Gilbert, David A. Reinhard, Erin C. Westgate, Casey L. Brown (2014). Would you fund this movie? A reply to Fox et al. Frontiers in Psychology. PDF Cite
Timothy D. Wilson, David A. Reinhard, Erin C. Westgate, Daniel T. Gilbert, Nicole Ellerbeck, Cheryl Hahn, Casey L. Brown, Adi Shaked (2014). Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind. Science. PDF Cite
James A. Coan, Casey L. Brown, Lane Beckes (2014). Our social baseline: The role of social proximity in economy of action. Mechanisms of social connection: From brain to group. PDF Cite
Casey L. Brown, Barbara A. Oudekerk, David E. Szwedo, Joseph P. Allen (2013). Inter-parent aggression as a precursor to disengagement coping in emerging adulthood: The buffering role of friendship competence. Social Development. PDF Cite
Tingting Zhang, Fan Li, Lane Beckes, Casey L. Brown, James A. Coan (2012). Nonparametric inference of the hemodynamic response using multi-subject fMRI data. NeuroImage. PDF Cite